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198 West 21th Street, Suite 721
New York, NY 10010
+88 (0) 101 0000 000
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Cookie Policy

CREATIVE YOU uses cookies on its website to improve performance and user experience.
Cookies are small text files stored on the user’s computer through the web browser, storing only information related to the user’s preferences (generic information), thus not including the user’s personal data.
The cookies used by CREATIVE YOU adhere to the principles of anonymity and are not used at any time to collect information that identifies the user, nor for direct marketing purposes. Cookies help the CREATIVE YOU website recognize the user’s device the next time they visit it. Please note that refusing to use cookies on the website may result in the user being unable to access some of its areas and/or receive personalized information.

How do we use cookies?

CREATIVE YOU uses the following types of cookies:

Analytics Cookies:
These cookies, such as Google Analytics cookies, are used to track the usage of our website and the effectiveness of our marketing campaigns. They help us know how many visitors we have and how they interact with our website.

Performance Cookies:
We use cookies to enhance the performance and functionality of our website, although they are not essential for its use. However, without these cookies, certain functionalities may become unavailable.

How to control cookies

Our website includes a cookie banner. Through this banner, users can accept or entirely refuse the registration of cookies during their visit to the site.
At any time, users can also, through their web browser, decide to be notified about the receipt of cookies, as well as block their entry into their system and delete any existing cookies in their system.

For more details on how to manage cookie settings, consult

List of Cookies Used

Cookie Name Purpose Type
_ga Used to distinguish users for Google Analytics Analytics
_ga_XXXXXXXXXX Used to persist session state Analytics
_gat_UA-000000000-0 Used to throttle request rate Performance
_gid Used to distinguish users for Google Analytics Analytics